Walking with the Master ![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
When you ache for God
Day and night
When His name
Is your breath
When His Word filled with truth
Is your food
When His Love for you
Is your peace and rest
When all pains
You smile and endure
When all taunts
You try and ignore
When times of difficulties
Become your moment of faith
When nothing makes you afraid
When His Will keeps you content
When you are equal minded
To both the good and bad
When you do not pursue
Worldly happiness
When there is nothing taken away
That makes you sad…
When in God’s memory
You sleep in peace
When with God’s grace
All is clear in what you see
When you have all
And see no fault
When even your enemies
See the light in you
And give you their heart
In that life
One day………..
You shall awaken
And the God
You had so much loved
Shall descend before you
From the heavens above…
In the guise of a Guru……..
He shall smile before you
He shall accept
The sincere devotion
And give you in return…
A love so pure
Without which
You can never survive…
The face of the Supreme
Shall shine
Upon His face
He shall speak
Only a word of truth
And in that word
You shall enter
And forget yourself…………
He shall transfer
With His eye
The Self to you
And you shall
Smile in ecstacy and joy
And welcome
The Supreme I
That enters you…
With time in His hand
He shall stand before you…
You shall know Him
As the Master
And accept with humility
The wheel of fate
That comes your way…
He shall show to you
The seed of creation
That comes
From His mouth
And He shall stare
At your eye
And give to you
The vision
Of how all is born
Within Him…
Every place
Shall belong to Him
And He will call you
With the song of truth
And you shall hear
Its pure tunes
And meet with Him
Wherever and whenever
Without hesitation…
He shall know
The reason for all…
And you shall
Remember the stories of faith
And erase the question…
And the mind itself!
“I am the Guru!”
He shall declare
“I have come to teach
The Infinite…Self…
That is in My fist…
No one can ever know
Its glory
Until I have willed…
I, My child,
Have willed…
I am the Guru Sathya Sai
And I shall open
The fist
In which
I hold
Knowledge Supreme
And you, O Sweet
Child of Mine
Shall open your heart
And in it
I shall place
Myself…with the light
That shall make you
Mine…and Me!”
As the heart
Of His beloved
Shall open
The song of surrender
Shall pour
Upon His Feet
He shall grant to you
His protection forever
And you shall accept
The vow of the Guru
And close your eye
And turn away
From the worldly dream!
All of the Universe
Will begin to fade
The Guru will become
The world to you
And all the devotion
That remains in the heart
Shall light itself
And turn to
The Supreme fires
Of consciousness…
The truth shall fill you
No words shall remain
The Teacher of truth
Our sweet Sathya Sai
Shall return
From where He came…
And in that silence
That He left behind
The soul shall speak
Of the Guru
That had come
The Guru
That was God
That had left
The heavens
Only to make you
Love Divine
“O Divine Guru”
The soul weeps,
“I shall hold on
To your light
Its flame I shall carry
Throughout my life
You gave to me
The grace
Of many a lifetimes
And I shall
Remember the precious moments
That you gave to me
And keep it
Within my heart
So very close
Moment to moment……..
I shall remember
Your gift
O Teacher of Light
There is nothing that matters
Other than holding on
To the journey
In which you gave to me…
My Self…
O Teacher of Light
That brought me
Out of the dark
I promise that your light
I shall always
Keep alit
And whenever
A soul that seeks you
Shall ask
For Thy Name
I shall take
The heart
That is lit
With Your Love
And light his…
And tell him…
The story
Of the Guru Sathya Sai
That left the heavens
And came
To show the world
That love is God
Truth is
The way to love
Peace is
The state of love
Righteousness is
The experience of love
And the one
That knows that
Shall return to Sai
One day…forever…
And become
His messenger of love
Until the Universe
Continues to create
From the stare
Of His Divine Eye!